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Cannot delete shortcut folder

Hello in the X Editor after creating my MSI snapshot, i can delete the short cut from the programs menu i.e. ProgramFile\MyApp\MyShortcut

But I cannot delete the folder in which the shortcut was placed i.e. the MyApsp folder this was created by the MSI,
can some one please tell me where I can find this entry to delete?

I have looked in the directory and the files and folders table but cannot find perhaps I missed it?

Thanks very much
(5) Replies
open the ISM, direct editor-> shorcuts
you can delete it there or in the shortcuts you can delete it
Thanks for the feed back, it deletes the short cut but it does not appear to delete the folder i.e. Start > program files > MyApp > MyShortcut

it only deletes the MyShort cut I want to also remove the folder it created. I believe I found it in the Directory table at the bottom

One of the collumes in the Directory table is called ISAttributes and its value was 3 I could not find a reference to this in the MSI help files i.e. I found info on the directory table but not this colume or what the values mean any idea I guess it means present or not present or some thing like this?

if I delete the entey in the Directry table should it remove the MyApps above, I will give it a go but any advice most welcome

I found the answer I see the shortcut folder in the directory table at the bottom of the table. I set the ISAttributes column of the Directory table to 0 (was 3) now the folder does not appear under programe files when the application is installed. Brill !!

If any one know of a reason why I should not do it this way or a list of what the ISAttributes columns do please let me know

Strange, even though Folders still appear in the GUI section for Shortcuts I never have a problem with them installing if there are no Shortcuts in them, simply removing all the relevant shortcuts from the Shortcuts table does the trick for me.
You might also take a look in the CreateFolder table.
Thanks very much for your help...