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Is it necessary to "fix" ACE10 warning's, particularly when it is stated :

The Registry entry 'Registry_100' (Blah Blah Blah) in package " A " conflicts with the same registry entry in Component 'Global_System_Blah_Blah_Blah

or it will list a specific component in another package that it is being tested against.

If the information is the same in both components (at least i'm assuming) does it really matter if I delete it?


(1) Reply
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
ACE10 uses data from the MSI Registry table to check for identical registry Root / Key / Name combinations in different components. However, there may be situations in which ACE10 will report an error unnecessarily. MSI supports a grammar for the Registry table in which if the Value field is preceded or terminated by the sequence tilde ‘[~]’, then the registry value will be appended
or prepended, respectively, to the existing registry Value. This sort of operation may be perfectly acceptable if the applications in question are modifying a common registry key in a manner
consistent with some common purpose.

ACE10 does not specifically check the Value field. If the ACE10 conflict was based upon two packages registry entries writing the same Value and the two packages are never uninstalled, then you could likely ignore the error. The primary issue with ACE10 is in effect to identify when the uninstall of one product might have a negative impact on another product.

Allen Saxton
InstallShield AdminStudio Development