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AdminStudio 5.0 Eval?

Hello guys and girls. I was wondering if the folks at Installshield have an Eval of AdminStudio 5.0 available online.

(7) Replies
I believe you can visit, and click Try Now near the top of the page.
I have installed this and am wondering..Why??

is there genuinely any reason to have this if you already have 3.5? all i can see is .NET incorporation(which i hate and my company actively refuses to allow anywhere for security reasons) and everything moved around again in developer (another 3 weeks to find everything i need again..) I clicked the link for the deploy eval guide and got the 3.5 one..where can i get a list of the "improvements"?
In my opinion the 3 best improvements in AdminStudio 5 are:

- The repackager (exclusions handled afterwards, ability to capture intend, WMware integration)

- Rules wizard (create your own validation rules)

- QualityMonitor (check how the package runs in a lockdown environment)
was just playing with the repackager 🙂 i like the exclusion handling now. much better.
Hmm...3 new features = $1200, "nice" price tag i must say.
You'll find a few more changes than just the 3 mentioned earlier. One big change is the Application Catalog, replacing the separate Workflow and ConflictSolver databases. ConflictSolver alone has a number of changes, including the persistence of Conflict data for easier management of conflicts/resolutions. ConflictSolver now lets you import the entire MSI, including custom tables, and bulk import is also available. It also lets you create/display additional info you'd like to track for each package - extended attributes.

I've only really discussed changes to ConflictSolver here, because it's near and dear to my heart. There are lots more goodies throughout the product. WSE conversion, Users/Permissions, LOTS of other things. I'm sure the Marketing folks have made a better 5.0 features/changes list than I could ever write, and they'd love it if you went to to check it out.
I have to add since we are a BIG Tivoli shop, that V5.0 adds the ability to export directly to SPDF's. A huge improvement over V3.5.