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Admin Studio Beta 3.5 & Tuner


I recently installed the new AdminStudio beta 3.5.

With previous version (3.01), when I was creating transform files that added files to the installation, those files were included into the mst file.

Now, with version 3.5, those files are not included into the mst anymore. Instead, they are put into a cab file, outside the mst file.

I wanted to know if there is a way to change this behaviour? We do not want to have multiple files for our setups; just a msi and a mst...

Thanks in advance for your answer.
(1) Reply
We had to create an external CAB file to store all the files that were added to the transform. Here are the reasons why:

1. Transforms cannot store the CAB files.
2. The approach we used in 3.0 worked well, except in situations where we had to set the permissions on the installed file. It was attributed to an issue with the MoveFile table in MSi not setting the permissions correctly.