Hey Fredrik,did you ever find out why your unmanaged dll did not work anymore?I've got the exact same problem when I upgraded to IS2014 (from 2012Spring). The dll I use is an unmanaged wrapper for a manged code.However, the stuff is quite old and ref...
Hi,I had the same issue some time ago....My solution:You must evaluate the "IS_MAJOR_UPGRADE" or "UPGRADINGPRODUCTCODE" property to control the UI sequence and the texts being displayed in the dialogs.Otherwise the UI sequence runs completely as if i...
Maybe you have a look at "Multi-Instance Installations" under Media > Releases > Product Configuration.Of course you have to follow some rules e.g. directories, COM registrations, registry....
The standard feature selection dialog does not refresh itself.Instead you could "clone" and recall the dialog as described here: http://setupprogram.blogspot.de/2012/09/condition-based-dynamic-feature.html.Or you build up your own dialog...maybe try ...
Also feature prerequites should have a condition that evaluates to "true" when the prerequisite is installed successfully.Using a registry key might be the easiest way. The driver package surely writes a version string into the registry, that you can...