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since ‎Feb 15, 2008
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hi,We have found a bug in installanywhere. The modifyText action does not allow a 'double slash' ('//') in the replaced/appended value. Instead, it always 'compresses' multiple slashes down to a single slash.Thus instead of this:JDBC_URL=jdbc:sqlserv...
Hi,Our previous build engineer executed ant by calling ant.bat/ant.sh scripts from the installanywhere project.In an earlier post, an member had alerted me to the 'ant' action: this would execute the ant build file without any intermediary scripts. S...
Hi,I changed some hardcoded directories in my installer-project to "source paths". Everything worked fine on my linux machine.When I moved the project to a windows machine, I found a serious problem:* InstallAnywhere prompts me for the sourcepaths up...
Hi,I have a couple problems with our InstallAnywhere installer.Our install paradigm works like this:* Installer collects a lot of info from the user and puts it in a property file* Installer runs ant (via 'ant.bat' or 'ant.sh' depending on the OS). ...
Online status:
‎Mar 18, 2019
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