Level 6
since ‎Jan 21, 2015
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Hi ,I need to create a setup(we usually create Installscript MSI projects) which has to import my particular .bas Macro to Word. Could you please help me out in doing this requirement.Thanks in advance
Hi,We have created InstallScript MSI projects, all the projects have English, French and German as Setup Languages; and English as default language.Under General Information tab we filled our Company name(say XYZ) in Publisher field. While running th...
Hi ,We have created an Installscript MSI project , in that we have one SQl connection which has few SQL scripts in it. From OnSQLLogin function we are calling SQLServerSelectLogin dialog.Now we had a new task to Show two SQL Dialogs in some cases on...
Hi ,We created a suite installer which is having 20 Installscript MSI projects exes as packages, we need to install/upgrade this suite installer in silent mode.We are running the suite installer through command prompt using MySuite.exe /silent comman...
Hi,We have created Installscript MSI projects, we need to check .Net Framework 4.5 or later is installed or not. We are readying the version value from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Version , but not able to c...
Online status:
‎Mar 18, 2019
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