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since ‎Mar 12, 2007
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I have a Merge Module with some files and custom actions. When the msm is added to the main setup Project (Baisc MSI) it must be connected to one or more features.Only if one of the dependend features will be selected on installation, the files from ...
I have a Basic MSI installation project and in this package I install a new system wide environment variable (in the attached example it’s named MYTEST with value 1).Normally (on Windows NT, 2000, XP, Vista, 7,  the new variable is immediately avail...
I have a Basic MSI Project and uses a custom InstallScript Action.How can I evaluate the value of the property [#filekey] in InstallScript. MsiGetProperty (hMSIHandle, "#filekey", szReturn, nvBuf) does not work. :confused:[#filekey] is replaced by th...
I have the problem that a file is not uninstalled on an update and I'm not sure what the reason is:The affected component of the setup has four files (*.dll). No key file in the component.In the newer version of the setup the content of the component...
I have a custom action sequenced after InstallFinalize. If I run a major upgrade then I have the problem that my custom action is called twice. It seems from the old package first and then again from the new package.How can I avoid the first call? It...
Online status:
‎Apr 16, 2024
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