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since ‎Mar 22, 2006
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How do I detect if UNIX user is root or not? There is code but I do i use it? WHat is ProductBeanCondition? public class AdminProductBeanCondition extends ProductBeanCondition{ public boolean evaluateTrueCondition( ) { boolean isAdmin = false; ...
I am using "InstallShieldCommandLine.exe" to build my project. I have custom code in external jar file say "xx.jar" which is used by my project. I have added path of xx.jar in InstallShieldMultiPlatformCommandLine.cp and still get errors saying "cann...
I am asking for username/password in a simple Dialog. I am using "Password Field" for password. I am retreiving password using $V(Variable_TypedPasswordXX). But somehow I get encrypted value instead ofreal password. How do I get password unencrypted/...
I want to step through each directory in PATH and see if 3rd party dll exist in any one of the directories mentioned in PATH? I am using Search File System but it asks to specify search directories manually. How do I specify PATH variable?
I am trying to do like this:cd c:\tmp\xxc:\tmp\xx\bin\yy.exe But wizard action says it actually does "cd" to c:\tmp\xx\bin before running yy.exe which I dont want. How do I go to particular directory before I call yy.exe because yy.exe expects call f...
Online status:
‎Mar 18, 2019
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