Level 3
since ‎Nov 09, 2020
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  • 6 Posts
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  • 24 Kudos given
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User Activity

From reading the Oracle practice guide, it appears that the only Oracle Application User license that correctly shows consumption is E-Business suite application/components.  The practice guide was published in 2018, so is that still correct or shoul...
My company is looking at purchasing Oracle Internet Application Server processor licenses in the near future.  The main goal is to install IAS on one server and several of the components on an additional server.  However I'm worried what this will do...
We have both Adobe Creative Cloud and individual Adobe products (Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, etc..) in our environment.  They are the Feature Restricted License version of the products, not Named User.   The same software executable was us...
Online status:
‎Apr 05, 2023
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