Level 6
since ‎Jul 09, 2019
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I found some Flexera documentation on using the Setup Progress Dialog Box.https://helpnet.flexerasoftware.com/isxhelp25/helplibrary/IHelpISXDialogsSetupProgress.htm The problem is that I can't find any such dialog box in the  "All Dialogs" folder und...
Suppose I install my files to a folder named "C:\\MyTargetDirectory". Is there anyway with InstallScript to determined if the directory is empty? (Contains no files). 
I working on an InstallScript project. During installation I need to be able to allow or prevent certain files from being installed to the target folder. How can I do that? My script logic will determine what files to install, so I need to prevent ce...
I am calling the SdAskDestPath dialog box to allow the application user to enter or select a directory path.In the msi script I need to check if the path /Directory entered already exists. So I am using the ExistsDir function. The problem I am having...
 Is there any documentation on the return codes which are returned for  LAAW.PARAMETERS.nLaunchResult? I am calling LaunchAppAndWait to shell into dos and launch a command script. If succesfull .nLaunchResult returns Zero, but if not zero then it mea...
Online status:
‎Feb 10, 2020
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