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since ‎Jun 24, 2009
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Hi i need to check the version of the MSMQ installed on my target machineFor this I have added a custom system search for searching a registry keyThe key value to which I get as far is : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSMQ\ParametersI am able ...
Whenever I put a system search in my MSI installation it is the first thing that happens on executing the setup..Can I schedule it after showing a custom made dialog..?For example in our case we need to display the installation requirements(A dialog ...
Hi I am using Installshield 2010 and have made several msi based installation projects.In most of them the custom action for launch read me after setupcompletesuccess's ok pushbutton is working perfectly .However in two of my projects launch read me ...
I am trying to Run an exe using Custom ActionsI have copied my exe file + the files it refers to in it's root directory while running, in the Common Files Folder But on Installing It gives the following error -"Error 1721.There is a problem with this...
Hi,How I can Install and start a windows nt service using installshield installscript project..It was quite easy in In MSI,as we could directly set the conditions in the components window..But here in Installscript,there is no such option as Control ...
Online status:
‎Mar 18, 2019
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