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since ‎Feb 20, 2002
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Hi,i am using a Basic MSI Installation.I have 2 shortcuts, which should be pinned on the Start-Screen.Both Shortcuts are visible in 'All Apps' But only one appears on the Start Screen.I can manualy add the missing one, but thats not the idea.I remove...
Hello,i have an MSI Installation, and multiple instances.When i update my product, it should automatically be deinstalled first, after this it should do normal installation.Is this possible ?I cant change the version number so it will be forces the r...
Hi,Is there any good description how to install a NT Service as System Service ?----First i made my Installation and added a Service with 'StartType' Automatic. This works well.But i need the Service started as System.When trying to install a System ...
Hello,i have a very old Installer, wich i have to redesign.This old Installation manipulates the fileC:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\servicesI have to add three lines if they don't exists.Is it possible to do this with IS2009 and vista ????(How? Wher...
I have a BASIC MSI Installation.After Installation i have to start an exe file. Everytime i start the exe file I first got a Windows popup dialog wich is asking for windows rights.I don't want this popup. LaunchApplication( szProgram, ...
Online status:
‎Mar 18, 2019
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