This can be done. First add the exe to the Support Files.Then go to the Custom Actions view and create a new custom action to run the exe.Then go to Sequences > User Interface and remove all of the dialogs.When you run the msi, it will just run the ...
Use conditions on your custom action.To run the action during a full uninstall use:REMOVE="ALL"To run the action when a specific feature is being removed use: &featureName=2
Changing the INSTALLDIR value shouldn't matter.Please explain what the 4 scenarios are. Is it Major Upgrade, Minor Upgrade, New install, and Patch? Which 2 are the ones not working?In your log snippet, you are running a Major Upgrade. Are the files g...
ipconfig won't work. Most devices connect through a router so testing for network connectivity is not the same as checking for access to the internet. You need to make a call outside of the network and receive an expected response to determine access...