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since ‎Aug 12, 2008
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Good morning,Can anyone help me on the below.I have file in my [INSTALLDIR] with name testfile.asa and I have two hardcoded strngs - String1 and String2 in that file. I would like to replace these strings as per user input. For this I have created a ...
Hello,I would like to create a virtual directory, but the name should come from User input. I have created a dialog to accept the Input but unable to map. Can anyone help me on the above. Do we have any documents.Thanks in advance.Ameer
Hi,I would like to include and run a .swf file in my Basic MSI Project developed in Install Shield 2009 Professional Edition. Is there any option or setting to include a flash file and run while installation.Thanks & Regards,Ameer Syed
Online status:
‎Mar 18, 2019
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