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Flexera Community

Special characters in category name

0 0 711
If a category name has special characters such as "/", ",", App Portal splits the category name with these special characters so unexpected extra category will be created. As a workaround: 1. please don't use special characters while creating a cate...
by fnishikado Flexera Alumni

App Portal doesn't support AD LDAPs

0 0 461
In March 2020, Microsoft is going to release a update which will essentially disable the use of unsigned LDAP which will be the default. This means that you can no longer use bindings or services which binds to domain controllers over unsigned ldap ...
by Kevin_Hou Flexera Alumni

MachineName Parameter can be used to Exploit a SQL Injection Vulnerability in App Broker

1 0 1418
Symptoms: A SQL injection vulnerability in App Broker 2018R1 and earlier allows local users to execute arbitrary SQL commands via the MachineName parameter. Diagnosis: The machine name sent by the client is not validated, and can be used to deliv...
by Level 7 Flexeran RDanailov Level 7 Flexeran