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Level 6

upgrading dialogs

The settings in my InstallShield MSI project works fine in first time install and uninstall. But there are two problems during upgrading.

The first dialog tells me upgrade is ready to go. That's good.

But after the usual extraction, the next dialog stating that it is "Resuming" the process, as circled in red on the image. That is not good. I searched in the string table and other places in the IDE but could not find where the text was defined. Nor could I locate the name of this dialog.

After clicked OK to allow the upgrade process to continue, the next screen showing the progress came up, with the default "computer" image overlaying on top of my product logo.

Q1. How can I change the text to make more sense and tell the user it is upgrading instead of sounding like "Resuming" some previous incompleted process?

Q2. How can I suppress that default computer image in the upgrade progress dialog? I have used the function
DialogSetInfo (DLG_INFO_ALTIMAGE, "", TRUE);

before dialog calls during the install and the uninstall processes to suppress it successfully. However, I could find out the name of this upgrade progress dialog. I tried to put the DialogSetInfo(...) in many places in the InstallScript to test my luck, but never succeeded.

Your suggestions are much appreciated. Thank you.
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(4) Replies
Level 6

Resuming is the correct text for the dialog (in the twisted mind of whoever came up with this name). The name of the Dialog is SetupResume.


0 Kudos
Level 6

Yeah, I know "Resuming" is their correct text, but how can I locate that string and modify it?

The dialog name doesn't appear to be SetupResume. Would it be SdSetupResume, or SdResume ?
0 Kudos
Flexera Alumni

It might be the arguments passed to SdWelcome, handled in OnResumeUIBefore.
0 Kudos
Level 6

Thanks, Robert! I wish I had read your posting earlier. 🙂

I spent a few hours going the trial-and-error approach looking here and there for anything related to upgrade, and finally located the function InstallShield used for upgrade. Yes, they are all under the OnResumeUIBefore.
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