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Level 5

upgrade from v2.03


I converted a project created in version 2.03 and successfully converted it to version 2008 and built successfully with slight modification. Unfortunately, during installation. It generates an Error 1606.Could not access network location 1. What I did was only comment a prototoype declaration because it's already been declared.

I've used 2 days trying to fix this error, and to no avail. I've read a lot of stuffs and checkedknowledge base/forums regarding this error but I can't really find the cause.

Checked directory table, registries, features, components, property manager, and INSTALLDIR, all is OK. And why does it occur after conversion and not on the v2.03 project.

Maybe someone has encountered this error after conversion or has an idea in what's causing this unexpected error, I would be forever grateful.

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(19) Replies
Level 7

Where does INSTALLDIR point to?
0 Kudos
Level 12

If you have not, please run "Full MSI Validation Suite" on your MSI, and resolve all ICE errors.
0 Kudos
Level 5

I ran the validation and I encountered errors. I'll fix it first and hopefully after fixing, all will be ok. Thanks a lot bro.

I'll get back after fixing these errors.
0 Kudos
Level 5

I have an ICE03 error related to _Validation table. WHere could I find this _validation table? can't see it in Direct Editor. It says it's a system table, but where do I find it? Thanks

*concurrently searching for answers.

0 Kudos
Level 12

You shouldn't need to change anything in _Validation table, which is not shown for ISM projects in the IDE.
0 Kudos
Level 5

If I won't change anything, how would I be able to fix these problems?

ICE03 Error Table: SeagateCondition Column: SeagateCondition Missing specifications in _Validation Table (or Old Database) SeagateCondition
ICE03 Error Table: SeagateCondition Column: Condition Missing specifications in _Validation Table (or Old Database) SeagateCondition
ICE03 Error Table: SeagateCondition Column: Description Missing specifications in _Validation Table (or Old Database) SeagateCondition
ICE03 Error Table: CrystalRedirection Column: Directory Missing specifications in _Validation Table (or Old Database) CrystalRedirection
ICE03 Error Table: CrystalRedirection Column: RegKey Missing specifications in _Validation Table (or Old Database) CrystalRedirection
ICE03 Error Table: CrystalRedirection Column: RegValue Missing specifications in _Validation Table (or Old Database) CrystalRedirection
ICE03 Error Table: CrystalRedirection Column: CallNumber Missing specifications in _Validation Table (or Old Database) CrystalRedirection

I found a resolution (Cause 4: Missing data in _ Validation table or old database) regarding these. It says modifying the _validation table will resolve it but I don't know how. I don't even know where to look at.
0 Kudos
Level 10 Flexeran
Level 10 Flexeran

The _Validation table is not displayed in the Direct Editor as in most cases, there is no need to modify it. If you need to change something in the _Validation table, you can open the built MSI or the ISM (if it is in binary format) in the Orca utility that ships with the Windows Installer/Windows Platform SDK.

Note that the ICE03 errors you mentioned should have no impact on being able to successfully install your MSI package. It would only be necessary to resolve the mentioned ICE03 errors if you are attempting to obtain Windows Vista logo certification.
0 Kudos
Level 5

Thanks a lot! That really helped.

0 Kudos
Level 5

TsungH wrote:
If you have not, please run "Full MSI Validation Suite" on your MSI, and resolve all ICE errors.

I narrowed down my errors/warnings to 4 kinds but I still get the Error 1606 when installing. Could not access network location 1. For research, theses errors are safe to ignore. I don't know what's causing error 1606 anymore. I'm out of clue. I thought it has something to do with ICE18 with MDAC which I already resolved. But I was wrong.

ICE03 Error Table: SeagateCondition Column: SeagateCondition Missing specifications in _Validation Table (or Old Database) SeagateCondition
ICE82 Warning This action SystemFolder.15ACF2F5_9BDB_4FFF_9C85_9814946343FF has duplicate sequence number 1 in the table InstallExecuteSequence InstallExecuteSequence Sequence SystemFolder.15ACF2F5_9BDB_4FFF_9C85_9814946343FF
ICE86 Warning Property `AdminUser` found in column `ControlCondition`.`Condition` in row 'CustomerInformation'.'RadioGroup'.'Hide'.'NOT AdminUser'. `Privileged` property is often more appropriate. ControlCondition Condition CustomerInformation RadioGroup Hide NOT AdminUser
ICE99 Error The directory name: WindowsVolume is the same as one of the MSI Public Properties and can cause unforeseen side effects. Directory Directory WindowsVolume
0 Kudos
Level 12

This is mostly due to a bad entry in Directory table. Run installation with MSI logging parameters (/l*v) for a verbose log. The log should identify the exact directory identifier causing the error.
janmontano wrote:
Error 1606 when installing. Could not access network location 1.
Generally, warnings are, just, warnings, and can be ignored.

This warning is caused by a merge module included (the GUID gave it away). There is not much you can do about it, since it's in a merge module. Most likely from third-party. This won't cause any problem.
janmontano wrote:
ICE82 Warning This action SystemFolder.15ACF2F5_9BDB_4FFF_9C85_9814946343FF has duplicate sequence number 1 in the table InstallExecuteSequence InstallExecuteSequence Sequence SystemFolder.15ACF2F5_9BDB_4FFF_9C85_9814946343FF
It's recommended to use Privileged instead of AdminUser. So this can be ignored as well.
janmontano wrote:
ICE86 Warning Property `AdminUser` found in column `ControlCondition`.`Condition` in row 'CustomerInformation'.'RadioGroup'.'Hide'.'NOT AdminUser'. `Privileged` property is often more appropriate. ControlCondition Condition CustomerInformation RadioGroup Hide NOT AdminUser
This directory identifier was added to the list of MSI built-in properties some time around or before Windows Installer 2.0, and MS added an ICE to catch this. You can simply remove the offending directory identifier from Directory table.
janmontano wrote:
ICE99 Error The directory name: WindowsVolume is the same as one of the MSI Public Properties and can cause unforeseen side effects. Directory Directory WindowsVolume
0 Kudos
Level 5

I did the logging last week but can't find any helpful information regarding what network location it can't access. Here's the part where it logged error 1606

MSI (c) (EC:98) [10:56:07:596]: Note: 1: 1314 2: 1
MSI (c) (EC:98) [10:56:07:596]: Note: 1: 1606 2: 1
Error 1606.Could not access network location 1.
MSI (c) (EC:98) [12:09:23:475]: Product: Branch Automation v23 SP2H13 -- Error 1606.Could not access network location 1.

MSI (c) (EC:98) [12:09:23:495]: Note: 1: 1606 2: 1
Error 1606.Could not access network location 1.
MSI (c) (EC:98) [12:09:24:796]: Product: Branch Automation v23 SP2H13 -- Error 1606.Could not access network location 1.

Action ended 12:09:24: CostFinalize. Return value 3.
0 Kudos
Level 10 Flexeran
Level 10 Flexeran

A 1606 error occurs when CostFinalize is resolving paths for the entries in the Directory table of the running MSI package. Typically, this error occurs when there is a property (either in the Property table or set through a custom action) that has the same name as a Directory table entry, and the property value is not a valid path (such as "1"). Since CostFinalize will attempt to resolve Directory table entries based on a property of the same name if one is set, this error would then occur when the property has a bad path.

I would recommend looking at the Property Manager in the project to see if there are any properties with a value of "1". If there are, note the property name(s) and then compare them with the names in the Directory column of the Directory table. If any name(s) match, delete them from the Property Manager.

If there aren't any properties in the Property Manager that share names of Directory table entries, check the install log prior to the error for any property changes where the property value was set to "1". If this is in the context of a particular action in the log (between Action Start and Action Ended messages), this action is the cause and needs to be modified.
0 Kudos
Level 5

joshstechnij wrote:
A 1606 error occurs when CostFinalize is resolving paths for the entries in the Directory table of the running MSI package. Typically, this error occurs when there is a property (either in the Property table or set through a custom action) that has the same name as a Directory table entry, and the property value is not a valid path (such as "1"). Since CostFinalize will attempt to resolve Directory table entries based on a property of the same name if one is set, this error would then occur when the property has a bad path.

I would recommend looking at the Property Manager in the project to see if there are any properties with a value of "1". If there are, note the property name(s) and then compare them with the names in the Directory column of the Directory table. If any name(s) match, delete them from the Property Manager.

If there aren't any properties in the Property Manager that share names of Directory table entries, check the install log prior to the error for any property changes where the property value was set to "1". If this is in the context of a particular action in the log (between Action Start and Action Ended messages), this action is the cause and needs to be modified.

There is no property in property manager which share names with directory table entries. I actually changed two values in property manager from 1 to 0 (just to be sure) but still the same error occurs. About the property change log, I did what you told and came up with this list...


It seems to me that these properties has nothing to do with a file or a network path. But I'll still go take a look at each property listed.

I'm really out of clues. huhuhu. And I only have two days left. Worst case is we'll stick with InstallShield v2.03 and try to add our .Net components from there. This was suppose to be an easy upgrade of our existing project from v2.03 to v2008. But I've been doing this for 2 weeks already... Thanks.

If others has similar experiences, please I really need your input. Thanks a lot.
0 Kudos
Level 5

I was browsing from a different thread regarding 1606 and read that the user noticed it is encountered when network is enabled but is not encountered when disabled. So I tried that one, and eventually I did not encounter error 1606 also when I disabled my lan connection. Any ideas?
0 Kudos
Level 5

Just to keep the thread alive. sorry for the unnecessary post...
0 Kudos
Level 9

What's the last directory that CostFinalize resolves successfully before error 1606? The error might be cause by the next directory entry.
Does this error happen only on one machine or on other machines, too?
Stefan Krueger
0 Kudos
Level 5

MSI (c) (AC:9C) [09:49:09:479]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding BRANCHAUTOMATION property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\BranchAutomation\'.
MSI (c) (AC:9C) [09:49:09:479]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying INSTALLDIR property. Its current value is 'C:\Program Files\BranchAutomation'. Its new value: 'C:\Program Files\BranchAutomation\'.
MSI (c) (AC:9C) [09:49:39:923]: Note: 1: 1314 2: 1
MSI (c) (AC:9C) [09:49:39:923]: Note: 1: 1606 2: 1
Info 2835.The control ErrorIcon was not found on dialog SetupError.
Error 1606.Could not access network location 1.
MSI (c) (AC:9C) [09:52:28:585]: Product: Branch Automation v23 SP2H13 -- Error 1606.Could not access network location 1.

this log might help.

yes it happens on two different machines when lan is enabled. otherwise it does not.
0 Kudos
Level 10 Flexeran
Level 10 Flexeran

This behavior is being caused by a custom action in the MSI package. Please see to for more details.
0 Kudos
Level 5

Thanks guys.

Unfortunately, the conversion process is very time-consuming, and as the release date is getting near, I opt to use verion 2.03 instead to install my .Net 3.0 application. Hope I get to integrate this one successfully with less problems.

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