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Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

moved to installshield 2008 and still bugs!!! - URGENT

hi all,
earlier i had issues with the sql server 2005 wth advanced services prerequisite. I thought if we move to installshield 2008, it still does not work.
please see the prerequisite below and please try to give me a solution...

It is urgent as i said to my boss that it will work in installshield 2008!!!

Error message: The installation of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services has failed. Setup will not exit. 😞

please see my eariler post as well ->

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(32) Replies
Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

Mike Marino wrote:
This is not a crash dialog...this dialog just indicates that one of the conditions set in the prerequiste were not met after the installation.

Our support people can tell you if you have a contract or not...just contact them using the form at...

will do that... Mike i tried it with continue the setup option then it said successfull but if u cancel the setup it still say successfull!!! I am not sure what going on in background... I wonder if u tired the same on ur pc??
0 Kudos
Level 7

Hi Sunny, why not make the installation of SQL Express with Advanced Services a feature rather than a prerequisite?
0 Kudos
Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

timstspry wrote:
Hi Sunny, why not make the installation of SQL Express with Advanced Services a feature rather than a prerequisite?

thanks tim. how should i go about doing that???
0 Kudos
Level 7

Hello, is your project type Installscript - MSI? If so, with an MSI project you can define features which you can assign components to for installation. For example, you could define a feature named Database Engine and assign all of the files necessary for installing SQL Express w/Advanced Services to that feature.

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Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

timstspry wrote:
Hello, is your project type Installscript - MSI? If so, with an MSI project you can define features which you can assign components to for installation. For example, you could define a feature named Database Engine and assign all of the files necessary for installing SQL Express w/Advanced Services to that feature.


it is a basic MSI project. Yes you can add the feature but it will copy the installer of sql server to a desired location, rather than installing it!!!
please suggest, what i am doing wrong here.
0 Kudos
Level 7

Of course... you can't run two MSIs at once, and the SQL install setup.exe is just extracting and running an MSI.

I think what he was saying was that you could include all the SQL files in a feature in your installer which you then install. In other words, duplicate the functionality of the SQL installer within a feature of your own installer.
0 Kudos
Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

jedimaster_mark wrote:
Of course... you can't run two MSIs at once, and the SQL install setup.exe is just extracting and running an MSI.

I think what he was saying was that you could include all the SQL files in a feature in your installer which you then install. In other words, duplicate the functionality of the SQL installer within a feature of your own installer.

please speak in english... sorry i am not a installshield expert... m quite new to it... explain in detail plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

0 Kudos
Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

Mike Marino wrote:
This is not a crash dialog...this dialog just indicates that one of the conditions set in the prerequiste were not met after the installation.

Our support people can tell you if you have a contract or not...just contact them using the form at...

mike we don't have a support contract 😞
0 Kudos
Level 7

Hello, while I don't really want to get into a long e-mail dissertation on this topic, suffice it to say that if you use an InstallScript MSI project you can effectively do what I am talking about. I am not an InstallShield expert either and have recently switched from a competing product. I am still trying to find my way in IS Pro 2008. However, what I have done so far is to create a feature, let's call it Database_Engine, which the end-user can select to install or not. If the end-user selects the feature, I use the LaunchApplication function in InstallScript to execute a .cmd file that I wrote which uses command line parameters to install SQL Express w/Advanced Services on the target machine. If you need help with doing this, you can reference SQL Server Books On Line and look for the topic "Installing SQL Express from the Command Line" or something close to it.

I have gotten this to work in the InstallScript MSI project that I have written over the last few days. What I have not been able to accomplish is to launch a few SQL scripts after SQL Express has been installed to do some post-installation configuration tasks. I am still struggling with this, but at least the installation of SQL Express w/Advanced Services works!

I hope you find this useful!

0 Kudos
Level 7

If you want to do some tasks in SQL after the install, I would encourage you to look at SMO. If you include this piece in the SQL install, you can write some simple C# applets (you can find copious examples online) that leverage the SMO interface to do lots of useful things.
0 Kudos
Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

jedimaster_mark wrote:
If you want to do some tasks in SQL after the install, I would encourage you to look at SMO. If you include this piece in the SQL install, you can write some simple C# applets (you can find copious examples online) that leverage the SMO interface to do lots of useful things.

hi mark,

I have created a c# application to install few of my prereqs. I wonder if you could tell me how to set the error code is installation fails. I used the code below but it does not work:

public static void Main(string[] args )
SQLInstaller mySQLInstaller = new SQLInstaller();
catch (Exception)
if (!mySQLInstaller.isInstalled)
System.Environment.ExitCode = 4;

plzzz help
0 Kudos
Level 7

Hey... did you ever get this resolved?

Sorry I didn't get back to you. I lost the job I was at where I was doing this stuff, and wasn't sure where I'd end up. I ended up back doing deployment, but I'm no longer at a .NET shop, and I don't have access to my old C# stuff that worked.
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