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Level 6

how to execute all the script files in a basic MSI project

I am working on a MSI project.I have created 3 script files in this project.

1.Setup.rul files which defines a userdefined function EzbatchAddString to edit Autoexec.bat file
2.script1.rul which contains same user-defined function EzbatchAddString to edit Autoexec.NT
3.Third script defines code for the custom dialog.

When i creates an installer file and i execute it,i find that only setup.rul file is being two other files remains unexecuted.
what should i do to call other two files or incorporate them in my setup process...

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(5) Replies
Flexera Alumni

You can use #include "script2.rul" inside setup.rul to import the contents of another script file.

As an aside, though, if you need to modify environment variables, you might look into the Environment Variable Changes view.

You might also look into creating a custom MSI dialog box instead of a script dialog box for a Basic MSI project.
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Level 6

thanks Robert Sir you always helped me.....Thanks a tonnes
0 Kudos
Level 6

Sir there is one more question.
Suppose if i have two .exe files say desktop1.exe and desktop2.exe and i want to put them in startup and also want them to exeute it definite order
(say desktop.exe->desktop2.exe).Is there anyway which puts both of my exe files into startup automatically and then xecutes them

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Flexera Alumni

I don't think there's a built-in way to run startup commands in a particular order; perhaps create a batch file that launches the executables in order, and set the batch file as the startup script?
0 Kudos
Level 6

Sir how can i set batch files as start up script.can u plz elaborate this concept

also Sir i 'ld like to ask one more thing regarding my first query.adding statement #include "script1.rul to my code of script setup.rul will cause both scripts to run during set up installation...
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