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Level 5

checkbox allowing features problem - Basic MSI


I created a new dialog where users can choose if features will be installed or not.
problem is that doesn't work at all, and I tried it in many ways...
here is the most basic config I tried, according to what I read on this forum:
- In the dialog page, I set a property for my checkbox: "DOCA" ( for document A) and i set the value at 1.
- In the feature page, I put level:1 and condition: DOCA=1.
- In the property manager, I deleted the value of the property, because i want it unchecked
- I verify that my feature's install level is higher than the property ( to have it uninstalled in default install)

I tried many thing like put the condition "DOCA=True" or put the property as an integer...
really need help please!
Thanks !
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(6) Replies
Level 8

I've noticed with most checkboxes the condition would need to be DOCA="1" for checking to see if it is checked.
0 Kudos
Level 7

To check if it's checked you need to specify DOCA and to see if it's unchecked you need to use Not DOCA

Checking a box creates the property, unchecking it removes the property. Usually when it creates the property it does give it a value of 1 but that value could have been anything at all. That's why DOCA="1" worked.

To default the checkbox to checked or unchecked, just create or remove the property from the property table
0 Kudos
Level 5

That works perfectly, thanks again Cbragg !
0 Kudos
Level 5

Hi Jean/Cbragg,
Can you please specify the complete steps how you made it work.
I need to do the similar thing.. I have a custom dialog with two check boxes. If the check box is checked, the feature need to be installed. If it is unchecked, the feature should not be installed.
By default, both the check box should be unchecked.
I tried what you guys have mentioned earlier, but seems I am not getting something correctly.
Can you please explain..
jeanmarc78 wrote:
That works perfectly, thanks again Cbragg !
0 Kudos
Level 7

My second post in this thread details it step by step
0 Kudos
Level 5

Thanks cbragg for the quick response.

I did look at your other post. I have done the same as you had explained in this post. However it is not working for me.. Here is what I have done...

I have created two features FeatA and FeatB. For each feature InstallLevel, I set the value as 200.

Next I created a custom dialog with two CHECK BOX. 1st check box is set to property FEATUREA and 2nd check box to FEATUREB.

Now for feature condition, for the feature FeatA, I had set the condition as level 1, and condtion as FEATUREA (meaning set the installlevel to 1 if 1st checkbox for Feature A is checked.
And for FeatB, set level 1 and condtion as FEATUREB.

By default, I want both check boxes to be unchecked. So I removed the properties FEATUREA and FEATUREB from the Property Manager.

However it is not working as intended. Can you point out what I am doing wrong or what I am missing...


cbragg wrote:
My second post in this thread details it step by step
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