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‎May 01, 2008
11:51 AM
XML Installscript
I am looking for a way to read a web.config that exists on the server that Is being installed on. Find a couple of specific tags and store the information then after the installation of the new files place these values into the web.config that was installed.
(22) Replies
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‎May 01, 2008
12:50 PM
XML System Search and XML Changes can do this. It requires a decent understanding of XPath statements though.
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‎May 01, 2008
01:21 PM
The XML File Changes section is new to me. I can see how I can add information into an XML file, not for sure though how I can read information out of a XML file that is already on the target machine. I would like to be able to read in areas like appsettings and get the key and the value and display them in a dialog before the installation actually starts then based on what was read in the installer might do differant things through the dialog process. Once the installation actually starts it will probably overwrite some xml files with updated versions but needs to add back installation specific settings that were in the XML file that was already on the target machine.
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‎May 01, 2008
01:32 PM
Take a look at Behavior & Logic | System Search.
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‎May 01, 2008
02:12 PM
I do not have a system search. This is an Installscript project.
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‎May 01, 2008
02:55 PM
Oh, sorry. You'll have to write script to call the Microsoft XML Dom objects to do a query.
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‎May 02, 2008
08:42 AM
I have been searching the forums and online for installscript examples to read in information from an XML file but with no luck.
Could some one post a couple of sample scripts of an installscript function that reads an XML file like web.config and one that updates an XML file like web.config.
I mention web.config since it is one of the easiest to reference. I am looking to write an Installscript that can work with web.config files and with the METABASE.XML for IIS6+
Could some one post a couple of sample scripts of an installscript function that reads an XML file like web.config and one that updates an XML file like web.config.
I mention web.config since it is one of the easiest to reference. I am looking to write an Installscript that can work with web.config files and with the METABASE.XML for IIS6+
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‎May 02, 2008
03:51 PM
Here is a little piece of code that I used to modify our web.config file to change the SQLConnection String. This is a good example on how to modify XML files in Install Shield Script. Keep in mind, I got a lot of how to do this from this forum...
#define ERROR_XML_FILE_CREATION "Setup could not find the web.config file %s"
#define ERROR "Error"
#define ERROR_XML_FILE_STRUCTURE "The web.config file structure is corrupted.%s"
#define ERROR_XML_FILE_LOAD "The web.config file was not loaded.%s"
prototype ModifyWebConfig(BYVAL STRING, BYREF STRING);
// //
// //
// //
function ModifyWebConfig(strFileName, strError)
OBJECT oDoc, oNode, oNodeList;
NUMBER i, nSize;
STRING strNamedItem;
STRING strValue;
// Check to see if the file exists... //
if Is(FILE_EXISTS, strFileName) = TRUE then
//MessageBox("XML file exists",0);
MessageBox("XML file is missing",0);
nSize = 300;
i = 0;
//"Data Source="+ m_strDBDataSource +";"+
strValue = "Data Source=" + m_strDBDataSource;
strValue = strValue +";User Id=" + m_strDBUserName;
strValue = strValue +";Password=" + m_strDBPassword;
strValue = strValue +";Initial Catalog="+ m_strDBName;
strValue = strValue +";Persist Security Info=True";
if m_strADOConnectionTimeout != "" then
strValue = strValue +";Connection Timeout="+ m_strADOConnectionTimeout;
strValue = strValue +";Connection Timeout="+ SQL_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT;
// get values from public properties
set oDoc = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.4.0");
if (IsObject(oDoc) = FALSE) then
return -1;
oDoc.async = FALSE;
oDoc.setProperty("SelectionLanguage", "XPath");
// if success, traverse file and substitute value //
if oDoc.load(strFileName) then
// get list of matching nodes //
set oNodeList = oDoc.getElementsByTagName("*");
if (oNodeList.length > 0) then
for i = 0 to (oNodeList.length - 1);
set oNode = oNodeList.nextNode;
strNamedItem = oNode.attributes.getNamedItem("key").value;
strNamedItem = "";
if strNamedItem = "SQLConnection" then
oNode.attributes.getNamedItem("value").value = strValue;
return -1;
return -1;
set oDoc = NOTHING;
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‎May 02, 2008
03:55 PM
Thank you very much, I have been looking through the forums and online and most of what I had found was about MSI and builds. I will start changing up they way I run searches in these forums. Thank you for letting me know that most of the information I probably seek is in the forums. 🙂
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‎Aug 04, 2008
02:38 PM
I started with the script provided by The Traveler, however I was needing to edit a somewhat complicated XML file created by a different software package that included a default namespace and was failing the DTD Schema verification. I got around this by figuring out how to define the namespace(s) to search under in XPath and using an older version of DOM that didn't do the DTD verification. Here is the code with explanation if it can help anyone else avoid several days of learning about XPath and namespaces.
[CODE]prototype ModifyXmlAttribute( STRING , NUMBER , STRING , STRING , STRING , STRING );
function ModifyXmlAttribute
Description: This function changes the value of an attribute associated with
one or more elements defined by an Xpath statement. If there are
multiple elements matching the Xpath statement, this function will
offer to change the attributes of all matching elements, or abort.
Inputs: svFile = The full path to the XML file to modify.
nNamespace = 1 to use namespace in search, 0 to not use namespace.
svNamespace = Only used if nNamespace = 1. This the namespace to be used
in the Xpath search string. If not used, enter "" for value.
svXpath = The Xpath statement that defines the element(s) containing the
attribute to be modified.
svAttribute = The name of the attribute to be modified.
svValue = The value to be written to the specified attribute.
Return: 0 - The attributes of all matching elements were successfully changed.
Greater than 0 - Some or all attribute changes failed.
XML File:
Function Variables:
svFile = "Path\\to\\your\\file.xml"
nNamespace = 1
svNamespace = "xmlns:pro='' xmlns:itin=''"
svXpath = "//pro:lists/pro:product[@type='tshirt']/itin:itinerary"
svAttribute = "sold"
svValue = "1000"
Notes: If a default namespace is defined (xmlns=something) in the XML file, that
namespace will have to be defined or the Xpath search will not return any
elements. For more information, go to
function ModifyXmlAttribute( svFile , nNamespace , svNamespace , svXpath , svAttribute , svValue )
OBJECT oDoc, oNode, oNodeList, oDocType;
STRING svMessage, svError, svLine, svLinePos;
NUMBER i, nFailed;
nFailed = 0;
// Check to see if the file exists...
if Is( FILE_EXISTS , svFile ) = FALSE then
MessageBox("XML file does not exist.",0);
return 1;
//Set XML DOM Object
set oDoc = CreateObject( "Microsoft.XMLDOM" );
if ( IsObject( oDoc ) = FALSE ) then
MessageBox( "MSXML DOM-Document Connection Failed" , 0 );
return 1;
oDoc.async = FALSE;
//Set namespace and load file
oDoc.setProperty( "SelectionLanguage" , "XPath" );
oDoc.setProperty( "SelectionNamespaces" , svNamespace );
oDoc.load( svFile );
if ( oDoc.parseError.errorCode != 0 ) then
NumToStr ( svError , oDoc.parseError.errorCode );
NumToStr ( svLine , oDoc.parseError.line );
NumToStr ( svLinePos , oDoc.parseError.linepos );
MessageBox ( "The XML File did not load correctly.\n" +
"Error Code: " + svError + "\n" +
"Error Line: " + svLine + "\n" +
"Error Line Position: " + svLinePos + "\n" +
oDoc.parseError.reason , 0 );
return 1;
//Search XML File for all matching elements
set oNodeList = oDoc.selectNodes( svXpath );
//If no matching elements
if ( oNodeList.length = 0 ) then
MessageBox( "No matching elements found." , 0 );
return 1;
//If more than one matching elements
if ( oNodeList.length > 1 ) then
svMessage = "There is more than one matching element. Press YES to accept changing all nodes or NO to quit";
if ( AskYesNo ( svMessage , YES ) = 0 ) then
return 1;
//Change attribute for all matching elements
for i = 0 to ( oNodeList.length - 1 );
set oNode = oNodeList.nextNode;
oNode.attributes.getNamedItem( svAttribute ).value = svValue;
nFailed = nFailed + 1;
endfor; svFile );
set oDoc = NOTHING;
set oNode = NOTHING;
set oNodeList = NOTHING;
return nFailed;
[CODE]prototype ModifyXmlAttribute( STRING , NUMBER , STRING , STRING , STRING , STRING );
function ModifyXmlAttribute
Description: This function changes the value of an attribute associated with
one or more elements defined by an Xpath statement. If there are
multiple elements matching the Xpath statement, this function will
offer to change the attributes of all matching elements, or abort.
Inputs: svFile = The full path to the XML file to modify.
nNamespace = 1 to use namespace in search, 0 to not use namespace.
svNamespace = Only used if nNamespace = 1. This the namespace to be used
in the Xpath search string. If not used, enter "" for value.
svXpath = The Xpath statement that defines the element(s) containing the
attribute to be modified.
svAttribute = The name of the attribute to be modified.
svValue = The value to be written to the specified attribute.
Return: 0 - The attributes of all matching elements were successfully changed.
Greater than 0 - Some or all attribute changes failed.
XML File:
Function Variables:
svFile = "Path\\to\\your\\file.xml"
nNamespace = 1
svNamespace = "xmlns:pro='' xmlns:itin=''"
svXpath = "//pro:lists/pro:product[@type='tshirt']/itin:itinerary"
svAttribute = "sold"
svValue = "1000"
Notes: If a default namespace is defined (xmlns=something) in the XML file, that
namespace will have to be defined or the Xpath search will not return any
elements. For more information, go to
function ModifyXmlAttribute( svFile , nNamespace , svNamespace , svXpath , svAttribute , svValue )
OBJECT oDoc, oNode, oNodeList, oDocType;
STRING svMessage, svError, svLine, svLinePos;
NUMBER i, nFailed;
nFailed = 0;
// Check to see if the file exists...
if Is( FILE_EXISTS , svFile ) = FALSE then
MessageBox("XML file does not exist.",0);
return 1;
//Set XML DOM Object
set oDoc = CreateObject( "Microsoft.XMLDOM" );
if ( IsObject( oDoc ) = FALSE ) then
MessageBox( "MSXML DOM-Document Connection Failed" , 0 );
return 1;
oDoc.async = FALSE;
//Set namespace and load file
oDoc.setProperty( "SelectionLanguage" , "XPath" );
oDoc.setProperty( "SelectionNamespaces" , svNamespace );
oDoc.load( svFile );
if ( oDoc.parseError.errorCode != 0 ) then
NumToStr ( svError , oDoc.parseError.errorCode );
NumToStr ( svLine , oDoc.parseError.line );
NumToStr ( svLinePos , oDoc.parseError.linepos );
MessageBox ( "The XML File did not load correctly.\n" +
"Error Code: " + svError + "\n" +
"Error Line: " + svLine + "\n" +
"Error Line Position: " + svLinePos + "\n" +
oDoc.parseError.reason , 0 );
return 1;
//Search XML File for all matching elements
set oNodeList = oDoc.selectNodes( svXpath );
//If no matching elements
if ( oNodeList.length = 0 ) then
MessageBox( "No matching elements found." , 0 );
return 1;
//If more than one matching elements
if ( oNodeList.length > 1 ) then
svMessage = "There is more than one matching element. Press YES to accept changing all nodes or NO to quit";
if ( AskYesNo ( svMessage , YES ) = 0 ) then
return 1;
//Change attribute for all matching elements
for i = 0 to ( oNodeList.length - 1 );
set oNode = oNodeList.nextNode;
oNode.attributes.getNamedItem( svAttribute ).value = svValue;
nFailed = nFailed + 1;
endfor; svFile );
set oDoc = NOTHING;
set oNode = NOTHING;
set oNodeList = NOTHING;
return nFailed;
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‎Oct 06, 2008
11:01 AM
this posts above helped me a lot...
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‎Jan 30, 2009
11:04 AM
While I appreciate all of the examples, this is a horrible piece of functionality in InstallShield. I don't want to have to resort to these measures to do what should be a "simple" update to an existing .xml file. I am not an XML programmer, nor do I want to be - that is why we spend thousands of dollars on a tool like InstallShield that is supposed to do these things for us. Extremely disappointed in this functionality, or lack thereof.
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‎May 15, 2024
12:50 PM
Sharing the same feeling in 2024
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‎May 14, 2009
04:37 PM
Where are you declaring variables such as m_strDBDataSource? I would take it we need access to variables set by the SQL dialog (i.e. IS_SQLSERVER_SERVER, IS_SQLSERVER_USERNAME, etc.)
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‎Jun 09, 2009
10:16 AM
If my XML file begins like this:
And I need to replace IpAdress and Port value.
What would be the value of svXpath ?
If my XML file begins like this:
And I need to replace IpAdress and Port value.
What would be the value of svXpath ?
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‎Jun 09, 2009
10:37 AM
Just add your config/xml file in the XML file editor, and then you'll see those elements pop up. After you load the document, on the element work area on the right there will be a tab/section where you can replace those fields with properties from your project.
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‎Jun 10, 2009
02:23 AM
The XML files I need to handle don't belong to my install package, but to an already installed application to which I need to add some elements and replace some values of current elements.
The XML Import menu in IS is not handling files from other applications right ?
Thanks for you time,
The XML files I need to handle don't belong to my install package, but to an already installed application to which I need to add some elements and replace some values of current elements.
The XML Import menu in IS is not handling files from other applications right ?
Thanks for you time,
cspanellis wrote:
Just add your config/xml file in the XML file editor, and then you'll see those elements pop up. After you load the document, on the element work area on the right there will be a tab/section where you can replace those fields with properties from your project.
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‎Jun 10, 2009
04:11 AM
I call the function like this:
And nothing is updated in the file. I don;t know if svXpath is defined correctly.
My file is :
Also I need to add new elements in the file. For this I found no solution.
svFile = appapath ^ "\\conf\\$VHost.xml";
svXpath ="//Root/VHost/HostPortList/HostPort/IpAddress";
svAttribute = "*";
svValue = "${BindAddress}";
ModifyXmlAttribute( svFile , 0 , "" , svXpath , svAttribute , svValue );
And nothing is updated in the file. I don;t know if svXpath is defined correctly.
My file is :
Also I need to add new elements in the file. For this I found no solution.
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‎Jun 10, 2009
04:25 PM
I think you can modify any file, whether it's in your project or not. You may just have to specify the proper location to match where it will be. It actually gives you an option to create the file if it doesn't exist so I'm pretty sure you can modify any file.
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‎Jun 11, 2009
02:00 AM
No you can't. I imported the XML file from it's location c:\Program Files\.... and during installation IS creates the file in my application install dir.
cspanellis wrote:
I think you can modify any file, whether it's in your project or not. You may just have to specify the proper location to match where it will be. It actually gives you an option to create the file if it doesn't exist so I'm pretty sure you can modify any file.
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‎Sep 16, 2010
05:24 PM
Unfortunately, this piece of code is not doing anything in case when a namespace defined... Any advice?
jcouvret wrote:
I started with the script provided by The Traveler, however I was needing to edit a somewhat complicated XML file created by a different software package that included a default namespace and was failing the DTD Schema verification. I got around this by figuring out how to define the namespace(s) to search under in XPath and using an older version of DOM that didn't do the DTD verification. Here is the code with explanation if it can help anyone else avoid several days of learning about XPath and namespaces.
[CODE]prototype ModifyXmlAttribute( STRING , NUMBER , STRING , STRING , STRING , STRING );
function ModifyXmlAttribute
Description: This function changes the value of an attribute associated with
one or more elements defined by an Xpath statement. If there are
multiple elements matching the Xpath statement, this function will
offer to change the attributes of all matching elements, or abort.
Inputs: svFile = The full path to the XML file to modify.
nNamespace = 1 to use namespace in search, 0 to not use namespace.
svNamespace = Only used if nNamespace = 1. This the namespace to be used
in the Xpath search string. If not used, enter "" for value.
svXpath = The Xpath statement that defines the element(s) containing the
attribute to be modified.
svAttribute = The name of the attribute to be modified.
svValue = The value to be written to the specified attribute.
Return: 0 - The attributes of all matching elements were successfully changed.
Greater than 0 - Some or all attribute changes failed.
XML File:
Function Variables:
svFile = "Path\\to\\your\\file.xml"
nNamespace = 1
svNamespace = "xmlns:pro='' xmlns:itin=''"
svXpath = "//pro:lists/pro:product[@type='tshirt']/itin:itinerary"
svAttribute = "sold"
svValue = "1000"
Notes: If a default namespace is defined (xmlns=something) in the XML file, that
namespace will have to be defined or the Xpath search will not return any
elements. For more information, go to
function ModifyXmlAttribute( svFile , nNamespace , svNamespace , svXpath , svAttribute , svValue )
OBJECT oDoc, oNode, oNodeList, oDocType;
STRING svMessage, svError, svLine, svLinePos;
NUMBER i, nFailed;
nFailed = 0;
// Check to see if the file exists...
if Is( FILE_EXISTS , svFile ) = FALSE then
MessageBox("XML file does not exist.",0);
return 1;
//Set XML DOM Object
set oDoc = CreateObject( "Microsoft.XMLDOM" );
if ( IsObject( oDoc ) = FALSE ) then
MessageBox( "MSXML DOM-Document Connection Failed" , 0 );
return 1;
oDoc.async = FALSE;
//Set namespace and load file
oDoc.setProperty( "SelectionLanguage" , "XPath" );
oDoc.setProperty( "SelectionNamespaces" , svNamespace );
oDoc.load( svFile );
if ( oDoc.parseError.errorCode != 0 ) then
NumToStr ( svError , oDoc.parseError.errorCode );
NumToStr ( svLine , oDoc.parseError.line );
NumToStr ( svLinePos , oDoc.parseError.linepos );
MessageBox ( "The XML File did not load correctly.\n" +
"Error Code: " + svError + "\n" +
"Error Line: " + svLine + "\n" +
"Error Line Position: " + svLinePos + "\n" +
oDoc.parseError.reason , 0 );
return 1;
//Search XML File for all matching elements
set oNodeList = oDoc.selectNodes( svXpath );
//If no matching elements
if ( oNodeList.length = 0 ) then
MessageBox( "No matching elements found." , 0 );
return 1;
//If more than one matching elements
if ( oNodeList.length > 1 ) then
svMessage = "There is more than one matching element. Press YES to accept changing all nodes or NO to quit";
if ( AskYesNo ( svMessage , YES ) = 0 ) then
return 1;
//Change attribute for all matching elements
for i = 0 to ( oNodeList.length - 1 );
set oNode = oNodeList.nextNode;
oNode.attributes.getNamedItem( svAttribute ).value = svValue;
nFailed = nFailed + 1;
endfor; svFile );
set oDoc = NOTHING;
set oNode = NOTHING;
set oNodeList = NOTHING;
return nFailed;