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Level 2

Will InstallShield work for us?


We are evaluating InstallSheild for an installation/update utility for a custom Windows Forms application we have created. We have about 500 files in our solution, but only want to change a handful of them in our updates. Most of these files are images that don't change very often, but we need to be able to send updates and new files to our users easily. We also have a few files that CANNOT change. They are database files that contain user data so we have to avoid updating/changing them during product updates. So our typical installation/update process will look like this:

1. Install all 500 files including the EXE, default DB files, and image files
2. Send an update that includes the new EXE file and 5 new image files
3. Send an update that includes 5 changed image files
4. Send an update that includes just the EXE file

Does that make sense? We need fairly granular control over the files that we send in each update. Is that possible with InstallSheild? Is it easy???

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