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Level 7

Where's my "Distribute Now" ?

Sometimes, shockingly, things don't go perfectly the first time. My distribution, for example, copies the built release to a share drive so I can test on a different computer. This occasionally doesn't work. In IS 12 and earlier, I could just choose "Distribute Now" in the distribution options. Now that all that's integrated into Releases (which, for the most part, I think is terrific, by the way!), I can't seem to find a place to do that --

Does anyone know if there's a command or button or toolbar option or... that I just haven't found somewhere to distribute the latest build?

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Level 7

Ah, it figures. I look and look, and I only find my answer after I've asked the question.

In case anyone else is looking, right-click on the release itself, then choose "Distribute." 🙂
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