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Level 4

Where is IS_HOME defined?

Where is the global IS_HOME variable defined? I see the IS_HOME path variable in the Path Variables view - it's type is predefined for every project. This make sense. However, when it comes to the Stand Alone Builder, I would like to install it on a machine, let's say, in "c:\Program Files\Macrovision\IS11.5MP", and then zip up the core files of this install so I can then unzip it to a build macine which will do my builds. When I unzip the files onto the build machine, it is placed into a different directory as when it was first installed on the other machineeeeeeee (e.g. c:\myis). This causes a problem when build my IS project - Installshield can't find some of the core java files....I suspect since it's internal IS_HOME variable is still pointing to the old directory location. I am trying to automate a build process and as it stands right now, the build machine has to have the Stand Alone Builder installation run on it manually....which does not work too well when trying to automate things.

Can I set the IS_HOME via a argument to the sab.exe? I don't see anything in the registry either. (This is on Windows).

Thanks for any help.
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(4) Replies
Level 3

Look at the file in the main installation directory.
0 Kudos
Level 4

You can also pass the IS_HOME directory dynamically for your build. if you are using ant, do like this


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Level 4

Perfect....thanks guys!
0 Kudos
Level 4

Ok...I've tried this and it still does not work. Here is a snippet of my ant build file:


Build fails when executing the above task with this in the installer.log:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/installshield/isje/ISJE
Exception in thread "main"

Am I doign something wrong?

Also, on a side note, how do I pass in the classpath to tell IS where to find some classes when compiling. I don't want to have to modify the compiler.claspath in the and I also do not want to modify the sab.cp. Can I pass these values in the

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