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Level 6

Shortcuts with extra quotes


My shortcut needs this commandline:

"$P(absoluteInstallLocation)\jre\bin\javaw.exe" -classpath "$P(absoluteInstallLocation)\lib\dxadmin.jar""$P(absoluteInstallLocation)\lib\policy" com.progress.dataxtend.admin.ui.ServerViewer

The problem is, I entered it as shown but either IS or Windows puts another pair of quotes around the entire line, presumably because of the spaces. When I click on the shortcut it doesn't work. I thought I could fake it out and I entered the shortcut target like this:

$P(absoluteInstallLocation)\jre\bin\javaw.exe" -classpath "$P(absoluteInstallLocation)\lib\dxadmin.jar""$P(absoluteInstallLocation)\lib\policy" "com.progress.dataxtend.admin.ui.ServerViewer

so when the surrounding quotes are added it might work. The command works except the javaw errors out with "com.progress.... not found." I guess it doesn't like the quotes around the last parameter.

I also played around with short (8.3) path names but I still get the quotes and the shortcut still didn't work.

How can I enter the shortcut target so my quotes are correct?

Please help anyone, this is a very urgent matter. My code freeze is tomorrow.


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(2) Replies
Flexera Alumni

How did you set this up in the Shortcut action? With a quick example, I put the path to the executable in the shortcut's Target field, and the value

-classpath "$P(absoluteInstallLocation)\lib\dxadmin.jar""etc." com.class.Name

in the Args field, and it seemed to come out right...
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Level 6

I didn't even notice the "Args" field. sigh. That's what I needed all along. After talking to TS I implemented a launcher (at least I got some experience with that...). I'll have to give the Args field a try in the next version of our installer since our code freeze has come and gone.

As always, Robert, thanks so much for your help!


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