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Level 6

What's best practise for deploying a 64bit installer and 32bit installer?


My project is going to provide 2 different set of files for 64bit windows and 32bit windows.
So I'm not sure if there are any best practice on them. Is there a way to provide a single installer that allow install different set of features/components conditionally? Is that a good way?

And if some user has installed my 32bit stuffs(they are runnable in 64bit environment although not good enough) using 32bit installer, and later some day they'd upgrade them to 64bit, what's my option to make the old 32bit stuffs removed and 64bit installed?

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Level 5

I think the best way is to use 2 installer packages. I think it's not recommanded to mix 32 & 64 bit component in the same installer package.

And it's more easy to manage. For example, if you add a new component (32 or 64 bit) three month later you must not forget to add the good condition.
If you have 2 installer, you just have to set the right condition in "Installation Information/General Information/Product Properties/Install Condition" for each installer.

In the 64 bit installer package, you can also set the processor achitecture to x64 in "Installation Information/General Information/Summary Information Stream/Template Summary".


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Level 6

Yeah, agree and thanks.
Also found some post about 64bit install in MSDN.
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