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Level 6

What is the name of this dialog? (Prerequisite)

What is the name of this dialog, and how can I access the text to fill in this dialog in order to properly notify the user of what prerequisite they are installing?

EDIT: Let me add some context around this...I've added Windows Installer 4.5 into my setup .exe and when I encounter a machine that doesn't have Windows Installer 4.5 and needs to install it the following dialog is the one that is displayed. It's not very informative as to what is trying to happen and that's why I want to add some text into this dialog. I just don't know how to get access to it...
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(3) Replies
Level 8

That is the dialog that is presented when you have a prerequisite to install. So, if you have Windows Installer 4.5 selected in the Redistributables view, then when you run your install, that dialog will display on systems that don't have Windows Installer 4.5. Basically, whatever prerequisites you have selected will be displayed in that dialog for the user. Actually, what they don't already have on their system.

So, you mean the dialog is coming up, but Windows Installer 4.5 is not listed in the dialog? If so, then something is wrong. I have never encountered that problem before. The prerequisites are always listed in the dialog in my experience.
0 Kudos
Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

Try verifying that all or none of your prerequisites use the behavior option "hidden".
0 Kudos
Level 6

Well, unchecking the hidden checkbox in the properties of the prerequisite seemed to work. However, instead of prompting the user to install Windows Installer 4.5 now it just went ahead and did it without any user prompt. This is adequate for my needs though. Thanks!
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