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Level 5

What happens to the dialogs when I open an existing .MSI

New user - IS 2009 Premier:

Upon loading a MSI file, I expected to be able to go to the Installation Designer and under Dialogs, see the dialogs that are in the MSI but I do not.

What is the expected behavior?

My current objective is to use InstallShield to easily customize and extend functionality in our old installation MSI files as we create a new install project.

Thanks in advance for the help!

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(5) Replies
Flexera Alumni

Is anything showing up in the Dialogs view? How are you opening the existing MSI file?
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Level 5

The standard Themes and Dialogs branches appear but I don't see anything that belongs to the MSI.

As for how I opened my MSI, I went to the Open then set the file type as MSI, then selected the MSI.

What am I doing wrong?
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Flexera Alumni

That sounds right; is the issue that dialogs appear in the list, but they aren't yours? What was the MSI file created with?
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Level 5

I found them in the Dialogs branch - after visually inspecting the contents of every dialog in the tree. 😞

Thanks for replying to my question,

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Level 5

When an MSI is opened, is the dialog tree simply showing all the dialogs that belong to that MSI?

If yes, I'm feeling a little silly about now! 🙂
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