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Level 6

Welcome Screen before Prerequisites

Can you have a welcome screen (where the user can cancel, etc.) that has a continue, etc. button that displays BEFORE the prerequisites of .NET and SQL Express are installed? (The prerequisites run silent with only a progress bar)

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(4) Replies
Level 6

No the engine is only started after the prerequisites, so there is nowhere to place a dialog.

You could create an application that looks like that and returns differently dependent on whether continue or cancel was chosen. You then schedule it before the other prerequisites and make it required (e.g. if it doesn't return "continue" your setup aborts).
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Level 6

Kind of crazy though, cuz one of my prerequisites is .NET so I want to display a window -- using a windows form written in C# but I can't cuz the framework might not be installed yet. 😞 Seems like a major boo boo in installshield to prevent this behavior.

0 Kudos
Level 7

You can create an InstallScript Setup that shows a custom dialog and then launches your other setup or even install .NET and then shows your C# dialog then the other setup is launched.
0 Kudos
Level 6

With an InstallScript Setup (NO MSI) can you install .NET and SQLServer Expresss NOT as prerequisites...?

What I want my install to do is prompt for a Company Name, and SQL Server, and that's it, I want the rest of the Install to be silent, with just a progress bar and it to install .NET and SQLExpress and then our App.
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