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Visual Studio 2013 Express

I get that there is no integration between InstallShield Express and Visual Studio 2013 Express.

Does that mean we can't user InstallShield Express as a standalone application?

I downloaded and registered the package but there is no executable...just a help file.

So InstallShield "Express" does NOT work with Visual Studio "Express"? If so, you should explicitly state that fact.
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Technical Writer
Technical Writer

Visual Studio Express does not allow 3rd party applications to integrate with it. The Release Notes for InstallShield mention on page 11 that the product cannnot be integrated with Visual Studio Express: You can still use InstallShield Express as a standalone application, it should be located in your Start Menu in the InstallShield folder. If you don't see it there it, it may be possible that you installed the Limited Edition, which only works from inside Visual Studio but again does not support Visual Studio Express.
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