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Level 6

Vista MSMQ Prerequisite?


I'm trying to create a Prerequisite (using the tools/Prerequisite Editor) to install MSMQ on Vista.

I found a Microsoft Technet article titled "Installing and Uninstalling Message Queuing with Unattended Setup"

In the article, it talks about creating an Unattend XML file, and states:

* The processorArchitecture attribute must be set to a value of "x86", "AMD64", or "IA64", as appropriate for the installed operating system.
* The version attribute must be set to the same value as the version of the corresponding ".mum" file located in the %systemroot%\servicing\packages\ directory of the computer.

I'm concerned if I hard code values into the unattend file that works on my computer; it may not work on other computers if they need different values.

Any advice on how to deal with setting the processorArchitecture and version so that the Prerequisite will work on most architectures and versions of Vista?

Or does InstallShield have a better way to get MSMQ installed?

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Level 7

Unfortunately, no, there is no MSMQ prereq. But you should be able to build one up yourself.

It seems that you are looking to use somthing like this sample command line, from the linked article:
ocsetup MSMQ-Server /unattendfile:"C:\MSMQUnattend.xml"

You might use a Windows variable, like %temp%:
ocsetup MSMQ-Server /unattendfile:"%temp%\MSMQUnattend.xml"

There is a limited set of properties which can be used (read: resolved) in a prerequisite. From the help library article "Specifying Command-Line Parameters for an InstallShield Prerequisite":

In the setup prerequisite case, the setup launcher supports property substitution through the command-line parameters for the following properties:

SETUPEXEDIR—This property identifies the path to the setup launcher file. For example, if the path to the setup launcher is C:\MySetups\MyApp\Setup.exe, the value of [SETUPEXEDIR] is C:\MySetups\MyApp.

By placing the file in the DISK1 node in the Support Files view you should have access to it via the SETUPEXEDIR property:
ocsetup MSMQ-Server /unattendfile:"[SETUPEXEDIR]\MSMQUnattend.xml"
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Level 2

Did you find now any solution concerning the processorArchitecture and Version attribute of the unattended answer file ? We have the same concern, and I don't think that things will work after SP2 has been installed and a new version is expected.
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