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Level 4

VBScript localization

My task is to write VBScript that will show localized message box.
I'v not found any information about reading from string tables from vbscript.

I've write the following script but it crashes with error. Please help me!!!

strMsg = ""
Set View = Database.OpenView("Select `Value` FROM `ISString` = `ID_ERR_NOT_ADMIN` AND `ISLanguage` = " & Session.Property("ProductLanguage"))

Set Record = View.Fetch
strMsg = Record.StringData(1)

MsgBox strMsg, _
vbCritical + vbOKOnly, _
"My product installation"
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(1) Reply
Level 17

The ISString table is not available in the built MSI. You need to use a Windows Installer property in order to accomplish it. In the Property Manager, you can create a new localizable property.

Hope that helps.
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