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Level 7

Using String in 'Single Exe File Name'...

This might be a dumb question: Can you use a constant string in the 'Single Exe File Name'?

I added some strings to the string table (ex: PRODUCT_VERSION_DEMO, ..._FULL) with the intent to replace the hard coded values in Release's 'Single Exe File Name'. From: "SomeProductFullv2.0.exe" to "##PRODUCT_VERSION_DEMO##.exe" Mainly I wanted to be able to change the version number in one place NOT four times in four different places.

When I did this (see shot below) it literally created ##PRODUCT_VERSION##.exe. I used "##" because I had to use those to use the new string in the

Here's a quick shot of what I want to do:
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(2) Replies
Level 7

Short answer is no. Found out the hard way that you cannot use a string (from the string table or path table) for use in naming the physical *.exe

Thank you everyone for your responses...
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Flexera Alumni

If nothing else, perhaps you could use the InstallShield automation interface to read property values and then feed them back to ISProductConfig.SetupFileName before building.
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