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Level 3

Upgrade issue from 2009 to 2010


I have two projects that fail to convert from IS 2009 Premiere to IS 2010 Premiere. Basically, they give the following output (trimmed):

Upgrading table PatchPackage
Upgrading table PublishComponent
Upgrading table RadioButton
Upgrading table RegLocator
Upgrading table Registry
Upgrading table RemoveFile
Upgrading table RemoveIniFile
Upgrading table RemoveRegistry
Upgrading table ReserveCost
Upgrading table SFPCatalog
Upgrading table SelfReg
Upgrading table ServiceControl
Upgrading table ServiceInstall
Upgrading table Shortcut
Upgrading table Signature
Upgrading table TextStyle
Upgrading table TypeLib
Upgrading table UIText
Upgrading table Upgrade
Upgrading IIS application pool table data
Upgrading IIS website and virtual directory table data
Upgrading IIS custom property table data
Upgrading IIS web service extension table data
Upgrading IIS application mapping table data
Upgrading Windows Mobile functionality where necesssary

And stays stuck on "Upgrading Windows Mobile functionality where necesssary" (that is not my typo 😉 )

I cannot find to much in the forums except this is one of the last steps. The file size of the converted project is only 192K at this point (the IS 2009 project is 2.2GB). The isdev.exe process seems to be stalled. I am going to let it go overnight to see. I do have quite a few languages in the installer (hence the big size), so maybe it is working on that.

Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this behavior? If I am stuck, is there an easy way to dump the tables from IS 2009 into a fresh IS 2010 project?

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(4) Replies
Level 17

Would it be possible for you to email me your project file (.ism) at so that I can look into it?
0 Kudos
Level 6

Hello Justin,

I have experienced the same behaviour, the conversion also stalling after Upgrading Windows Mobile functionality where necesssary and resulting in a very small "converted" project file, which could not be opened by IS2010.
After several weeks of trying, debugging and so on together with Acresso Support, I found the cause of the problem.

In our installation we use our own themes (one for the BETA and one for the actual release).
When I used one of the predefined themes, the conversion went smoothly.
It appeared that I forgot to copy the themes from C:\Program Files\InstallShield\2009\Support\Themes to C:\Program Files\InstallShield\2010\Support\Themes.
After copying the themes to the proper location, the conversion succeeded.

At least this solved my problem. If you are not using your own themes, the cause may be something similar.

0 Kudos
Level 3

That is it for sure... I have a custom theme. Thanks SO MUCH for your help.

Acresso, could you add a feature for a better error message in this situation??

Thanks again,
0 Kudos
Level 17

The upgrade issue has been filed under #IOC-000082757 so that it will be fixed in a future release.

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