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Level 2

Upgrade does not copy new files

Hi together!

We want to publish an upgrade of one of our products. Therefore, we changed the Product Version and the Package Code. All files which have to be updated do have a higher file version. This procedure works fine for some versions of our product.

But now, it does not work. Like all the times before, the installer asked whether I want to upgrade product xyz or not. Thats ok and the known behavior. After clicking "yes", the installer runs but copies no files. Instead, after the installation has been finished, I try to start the product with the appropriate shortcut on the desktop. The installer runs again. In the details of the shortcut, there is the info, that the application will be installed on first start. And that is, what the installer does. Further, after clicking the product shortcut, the installer can not find the MSI package anymore.

Can somebody help me please? what is the reason for this? One thing to mention: we migrated from InstallShield 2010 to 2011 with that product.

Thanks a lot for fast help!
Best regards!
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Level 3

I also migrated many products to 2011 but didn't face such issue. Can you check if the target folder is Read-Only? If yes, we need to modify its properties.

I am assuming you didn't change the Upgrade Code.

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I might be able to give you a clue what is going on.

As far as I remember does a already installed feature not trigger a copy of new files to the target machine. In other words, If you are making a update dont just make a component for a new file and then add the component to a feature. You have to create a new Sub feature of the already installed one, and make it depending on the already installed feature.

When the upgrade runs, the new feature (New file) will be installed because it depends on the top feature.

This is my first answer to other people problems, Im not a IS shark but I hope it did make sence.

Best regards,
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