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Level 3

Unable to change launched file in prereq editor

Hi, would appreciate any help with this:

I have two files in this prereq (it's the VSTO SE runtime, but that may not be relevant):

I don't want to run the manifest file, just the exe, but the "Specify the application you wish to launch" box in the prereq editor is stuck on the manifest file. When I change it to the exe and save it, it bounces back to the manifest file. Most frustrating!

Any thoughts on why this is?

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(3) Replies
Level 8

Sounds like you are defining your own prerequisite. I have done that before and it's very convenient.

I don't understand why you are putting the manifest file in the prerequisite? I would just delete it from the folder, then the prereq editor won't have that problem. Especially if the manifest file has already been attached to the .exe file. If it has been, then why would you need the manifest file anymore?

Please provide some more information.
0 Kudos
Level 3

Thanks--I actually inherited this project from someone else, and just assumed the manifest file was necessary. I'll give it a shot without. But even so, it strikes me as odd that I can't save the prereq with the launched file changed.

0 Kudos
Level 3

That appears to have worked, Gridman. Thanks very much!! I'll write this off as upgrade-from-InstallShield-2008 weirdness. 🙂

Thanks again,
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