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Level 3

Trouble Creating Minor Update


I am using Install Shield Limited Edition 2013. I have a project with previous upgrade paths listed all of minor incremental updates. 2.04 - 2.0.5 -2.0.6. We are currently on 2.0.6 and I am attempting to push out an update. I can build the project correctly and it installs on a machine without a previous version no problem. I encounter a problem because when I am on a machine with the Older value and I attempt to update to the latest release version ( I get the following error.

"Another version of this product is already installed. Installation of this version cannot continue. To configure or remove the existing version of this product, user Add/Remove Program on the Control Panel"

I thought since the Product Code and Update Code are the same everything would be good to go and as long as I positively incremented the value it would work. It does not and I am unable to push out my update.

I know that if I change the Product Code it will work but that makes the update a major update and then I have other problems with certain files being overwritten when they shouldn't and cannot be overwritten. I appreciate any help. Thank you.
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(8) Replies
Level 7 Flexeran
Level 7 Flexeran


Windows installer does not recognize the 4th field for version numbers, so for an upgrade to take place, the change must be in the first 3 fields.
The message you are getting occurs when the package code is changed, but REINSTALLMODE and REINSTALL are not being passed in through the parameter. This is done automatically by the setup.exe wrapper, so if you are running just the msi, you will need to pass them in through the command line.
0 Kudos
Level 3


Thank you for explaining the version update. I have made my new version number 2.0.7 as the current version is 2.0.6. I have ensured that the Product Code and Upgrade Code found under the General Information section under Step 1 of the Setup project match those values set in the last update 2.0.6. As a side note, if I change the Product Code here, the result is a Major Update is triggered and then I run into issues with database files being deleted. So I am trying to avoid that.

Once the setup project is built, I am grabbing the Install Shield Limited Edition .EXE file that is generated and clicking that to perform the upgrade. This is when I encounter the error and see those errors. I appreciate any help with this especially since I am unable to push out my code update as I am unable to get everything to work correctly. Thank you.
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Level 7 Flexeran
Level 7 Flexeran

I believe minor upgrade is not available in limited edition.
0 Kudos
Level 3

I hope that isn't the case.

I have tried several other methods as well. I have created VB Scripts to backup and restore the database as you suggested but the problem is that the existing version is uninstalled before my scripts to move the files are triggered to run (Another limitation on the Limited Edition Version). Performing a Major Update also triggers the uninstallation of the existing version first which wipes the database file. My last option is to poise the update as a Minor one and hope that works. Can you think of anything else that I can try with the Limited Edition to get this update process to work where I can backup/keep my database file throughout the upgrade process?
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Level 7 Flexeran
Level 7 Flexeran

Try passing in REINSTALL=ALL and REINSTALLMODE=vomus in the command line. The full version would have passed these parameters in. The limited edition does not have an option for the wrapper to pass them in for you either, so you will need to pass them in through the command line when running.
0 Kudos
Level 3

I am building an .EXE file and just double clicking that to install the file. Once this has been approved and is going out to out production environment, There is an AutoUpdated.Net project that handles the downloading and installing of the software.

I hate to keep bugging but where I would and how would I enter those values through the command line?
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Level 7 Flexeran
Level 7 Flexeran

You need to open up cmd.exe and change directory to the location of the setup.exe. Then you need to type in:
0 Kudos
Level 3

Thank you. I just hope that is something that can be done by the AutoUpdate.Net project that handles the upgrade process for the users.
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