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Level 4

Suite installations and package caching

I believe I've found an issue with suite installations and package caching. I have a suite project consisting of one main application and a number of dependencies. Installation works well, but attempting to repair the suite consistently fails. After examining the log file for the repair, I've found the following error to be the culprit:

4-24-2012[08:33:08 AM]: Will launch exe: C:\Users\FAROAD~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{6C09904A-43E4-4A8B-8749-A05C693B5A2D}\{9A2A191D-8FC6-4C3F-AA02-B1D4200E74C8}\dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe
4-24-2012[08:33:08 AM]: Parcel target exe does not exist
4-24-2012[08:33:08 AM]: Parcel operation return status: 80070002

I have the "Cache Packages Locally" option turned on for the release, but since the dependency was already present when the original suite install took place, it did not get cached. I do have a repair operation defined for the package since I'd like the suite repair to handle the case of a user uninstalling the dependency after the initial suite install. Is there any way to do this? Perhaps a way to force all eligible packages to be cached, even if they are detected?
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(2) Replies
Level 6

I just came across your post and wondered if this was ever resolved or if you got feedback from Flexera.

It would apply to us too since we have dependencies to the JRE runtime and tomcat. At least JRE is very common to already exists on the system and I think a lot of companies would run into this issue with a Suite install.

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Level 3

I know this is a very old topic, but I have the exact same problem and rboutilier already described it better than I could. Is there a solution to this?

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