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Level 7

Suite Application stuck on Initializing when try to modify packages

I have a Suite Installation that has 4 packages(.msi) and some prerequisites in it. Installation works fine and uninstallation works fine. The problem i am having is the installer getting stuck when try to modify the already installed application.

-Install Suite(First time installation)
--Package 1 do not install
--Package 2 install
--Package 3 do not install
--Package 4 do not install
-Install completes successfully

I then modify this install and choose to install 1 additional package. This is when things go wrong..

-Install Suite(modify)
--Package 1 do not install
--Package 2 install
--Package 3 install(modify)
--Package 4 do not install
-Install hangs on "Initializing" and never completes

IF i uncheck the previous package(Package 2) that was installed on the First time install, then it will remove that and install the new package as expected. But this is not the normal scenario for modifying the setup. Now im not sure if this is a problem with the Suite project itself or and underlying problem with the packages that are pulled into the suite application.
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Level 7

So i found the solution. The problem ended up being that the destination path(BrowseStageFolder) was not being shown during the modify process. That i would assume is causing costing issues, which break the installer..So i just enabled that dialog but disabled the browse button. Worked for me.
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