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Level 2

Need help installing components on Build Server

I downloaded the Install Shield Limited Edition Installer and installed it on my developer box, created and tested an install shield project and everything worked fine.

I wanted to put the Install Shield components on our Build Server (TFS 2013), but when I try running the install on the build server (which doe NOT have visual studio IDE installed on it), I receive the message:

"InstallShield 2015 Limited Edition requires Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, 2012, 2013, or 2015 Professional Edition or greater to be installed on the machine. The install will now abort."

Is there a separate download for installing the components on a build server that does not have Visual Studio installed?
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(1) Reply
Level 6 Flexeran
Level 6 Flexeran

InstallShield 2015 Limited Edition will only install on a machine that has Visual Studio unfortunately, and there is no separate installation available specifically for build machines.
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