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Level 4

Specify Alternate Folder for Setup Prerequisites?

Is there a way to tell IS2008 to locate and load setup prerequisite files (prq files) from an alternative location rather than using %ProgramFiles%\Macrovision\IS2008\SetupPrerequisites? I would like to load them from a more project specific location rather than this general location.

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(4) Replies
Level 16

I agree with you.... I don't like to have build box dependencies. I prefer to pull the prereq out of source into the project source tree space.

You can use the Direct Editor to manipulate the ISSetupPrerequisites table ( ISBuildSourcePath column ) to use any of your Path Variables like this:

\Prereqs\Microsoft XML 4.0.prq

You can also edit the XML .prq file and manipulate /SetupPrereq/files/file[@LocalFile] to be relatived path'd eith a .\foo.txt type reference.
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Level 13

I agree too.

I had to use the manual method Chris mentions to make this work. The good news is that once you have added the entry you can modify PRQ settings for this particular prerequisite from within the Redistributables view.
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Level 10


That is very handy to do it if you want to have your prerequisites under source control, with your ISM project!

Is there any way to do that in newer version of IS (2009 or 2010), other than this manual way?

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Level 7

This worked quite well for me, as well. Just wanted to add one more detail that vexed me for a time. One of my prereqs depended on the other, and when you add the prereq, you are informed that the path will be added automatically. That path is always to ISProductDir, whether that's where you browse or not. This may be easily fixed by directly editing the .prq's XML outside of the Prereq Editor.

The problem showed up as an error that said my project referenced a prq in the Product folder, when I could find no such reference. Hopefully that'll help someone!
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