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Level 2

Silent uninstallation doesn't uninstall

We have 7 nested installations that are executed silently from a controlling installation (using: Setup.exe /s /f1"file.iss" /f2"file.log"). The installation pass without any problems, but when uninstalling (using /s /uninst) only 2 of the 7 are uninstalled. The other 5 start but fails or maybe they try to repair/reinstall.
Uninstall in normal mode (not silent) pass without any problems.
Trying to record the ISS file again didn't help.
I run them with the /verbose flag and compared the log file of the good installation (named Drivers) and bad one (named Wizard). What I noticed is that the paths are different:
The good installation has correct source paths...
Key: WindowsFolder , Object: \\Server\Dev\Installations\Disk\GlobalInstall\Drivers\Windows\ , LongSubPath: Windows\ , ShortSubPath:
The bad installation has wrong source paths...
Key: WindowsFolder , Object: \\Server\Dev\Installations\Disk\GlobalInstall\Wizard\ , LongSubPath: , ShortSubPath:
Same problem with the SystemFolder.
These are actually the source folders for the Windows files and System32 files. The INSTALL directory is fine.
Does anyone know where are these folders coming from (during silent uninstall) and why are they different?
Any other ideas will be greatly appreciated.
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(2) Replies
Level 2

I finally found the problem - uninstallation must use its own ISS file.
So I recorded this file using: Setup.exe /x /r /f1"uninst.iss"
and used it during removal: Setup.exe /s /f1"uninst.iss"
and Vuala nested uninstallation works perfectly.

By the way, I first tried to use the new Chaining Installation of InstallShield 2009 and the controlling installation got stalled (no errors or messages).
I found that 3 of the 7 installations are stalling it without any special reason.
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Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

I'm not sure why they'd be stalling, except the command lines you mention make it look like you're using InstallScript MSI projects instead of Basic MSI. The chained packages must all be Basic MSI (at least in style, third party "raw" MSI files may still work). If the chained packages are Basic MSI files, perhaps try getting a verbose log of the setup to see if there are any indications where and why it pauses (hangs?).
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