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Level 6

Silent install on Vista!!!


I created a MSI using IS2008 and tested the same in the Vista OS with the following command line

msiexec -i -qn

But it fails that I need admin privileges (infact I am an administrator but not the built in administrator). How to perfom a complete silent installation in Vista OS???

Can anybody help me please??? Its red...
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Elevate your token prior to launching the installation. For example, you could launch from an administrator command prompt.
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Level 6

Hello Bryan,

Thank you for the prompt reply. Yes I do agree that the permission level can be elevated by running the cmd.exe as built in Administrator and then pass this MSI to it to install without any problem.

But for a end user we think, the suggested alternative should be automatically triggered once the user runs the MSI with /qn command. When the user calls "msiexec /qn" from the Start->Run, the token should be automatically elevated instead running the cmd.exe as an Administrator and then launching the MSI..... Is there any change of value in the registry I can make to get this job done??? (or) any other customization will make it?

Thanks for your support....
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Level 3

If you create an exe called setup.exe that calls this msi then vista should realise that you want elevation and will ask the user if it is ok to run the application. A process called from an elevated app should also be elevated.

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Level 6

Thanks Russell I will give it a shot....
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Silent installations do not elevate by design to disallow the possibility of silently installing an application with elevated privileges using the current user's permissions by default. While not an explicit security risk, it could possibly provide a confusing UAC prompt that the user wouldn't necessarily know how to answer.

If you want to silently install your product, you could use an InstallShield Setup.exe and manifest it to run As Administrator. This would accomplish what you want and you could use something like:
setup.exe /s /v"/qn"
for a completely silent installation.
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Level 6

Yes Bryan, I agree with the suggested alternative.

But the prompt "An unidentified program wants to access....." is appearing when I passed the parameter /s /v" /qn" along with the setup.exe. This is ironical to the /qn command.... (although the prompt is from the OS and not by InstallShield)

The problem is when I deploy this Setup.exe along with other third party applications in Vista SILENLTLY... each time I need to respond to this Vista security prompt which is lil bit annoying....

Thanks for your time...
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Level 3

If you signed the executable then it should come up with your company name and details and not say that the program is unidentified.

Also if you know which 3rd party apps you are going to install you could call them all from the same launcher exe and will only have to give permission once.
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Either Russell Jones' suggestion would work or you could have a "suite" setup.exe that launches all the other subinstalls. The latter option can be more difficult to service in the future and makes for maintenance challenges that have to be accounted for.
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