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Level 7

Show Windows Installer Log - Checkbox

This is probably a dumb question, and I'm sure I'm forgetting something obvious.
When I run and cancel an installation on Vista, I see the "Show the Windows Installer log" checkbox on SetupInterrupted dialog, but I can't select it.
On the Dialog, Property = ISSHOWMSILOG, Visible = True, Enabled = True
And in the Dialog Behavior, the Action tab says Show with condition MsiLogFileLocation, and Enable with condition 1.
For properties, ISSHOWMSILOG is not in the property manager, and MsiLogFileLocation is set correctly during installation.
If I add ISSHOWMSILOG to the property manager (say, to 0) the box is checked, but I cannot uncheck it. When I click Finish after that, nothing is launched.

What do I have set wrong? A million thanks.
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(2) Replies
Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

Sounds like your Checkbox table got an incorrect value in it. You can fix this either in the direct editor, or in the dialog's view by selecting the checkbox in question and modifying it's Value entry. Generally the value should be 1, and the row can be dropped from the table to imply the same.
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Level 7

Oh my gosh, THANK YOU. I spent an hour and a half of my life yesterday beating my head against a wall and did not relish the prospect of spending a few more on this. One little fix. Wow. This is the only thing this week that has gone well. 🙂
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