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Level 6

Setup.rul is required for the project.


I am trying to remove the InstallShield script from my Basic Msi project.

But when I remove the script file, I got build error: ERROR -6138 Setup.rul is required for the project. 

How can I solve this?




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(5) Replies
Revenera Moderator Revenera Moderator
Revenera Moderator

Hi @Magnus 

If you are not using any installscript in your project you can go to installscript view under Behavior and Logic section and select the mid section and delete the setup.rul and then try rebuilding and verify.

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Revenera Moderator Revenera Moderator
Revenera Moderator

The -6138 error can be seen when the setup.rul has been removed from the project - but there is still something within your project which is referencing the script file.

This could be a custom action which expects the setup.rul to be present to run. 

Check through your project to make sure that nothing has been orphaned and is still attempting to reference the Installscript file.

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I found this in my .ism file. Is this the reason for error -6138 and is it safe to remove?


<table name="ISInstallScriptAction">
<col key="yes" def="s72">EntryPoint</col>
<col def="I4">Type</col>
<col def="s72">Source</col>
<col def="S255">Target</col>


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Revenera Moderator Revenera Moderator
Revenera Moderator

Hi @Magnus :

 You can open your project using IDE, and go to cusotmaction view and select the customaction which is linked to your installscript CA and delete it, 

Dont edit and delete it from the ism using notepad, if anything goes wrong, it will be hard to fix.

So please go to Customaction view and delete the customactions linked to your Installscript(CallDialogSetInstallationPathMSIDB,CallDialogCheckInstallationLocation,CallDialogChangeInstallDrive) and delete those CA and save the ism file.

NOTE: Please take a back up of your ism file, before doing any modification or changes to your original project file.

Refer screenshot.

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Thanks! That worked fine 🙂

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