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Level 7

Set path obtained from system search as destination for a feature.


I am using Installshield 2012 and my project type is basic MSI.

I have a feature which has got five components. all components have same destination path.

From system search i got the path required to install above 5 files. I need to set this path as destination for feature.

I tried to write property name i have got from system search in destination. But its not working.

Perhaps what is correct syntax for setting system search result property as destination path ?


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1. Store the system search value in a property. I guess you are doing this now.
2. Create a property custom Action. Name is INSTALLDIR (destination in your component) and value is search value return property, which get it from step 1.
3. Schedule this property custom action before costfinalize.
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Level 7

lambertpandian wrote:
1. Store the system search value in a property. I guess you are doing this now.
2. Create a property custom Action. Name is INSTALLDIR (destination in your component) and value is search value return property, which get it from step 1.
3. Schedule this property custom action before costfinalize.

Thanks. Today morning itself i was able to fix the problem. I was using [] for the directory value to be set. After removing [] the custom action started to work well.
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