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Level 4

Registry values as installdir


i try to make a install-package, who have two target directorys. First is
C:\Program Files and second is for example D:\Data.

Now i want to make the directorys variable. How can I do this, becase every time i try it, InstallShield say, that's not valid.

At the moment we use WixEdit and folowing mechanism:

The [DATADIR]-Property is saved in the registry and on every update we search after it an replace the property. Every version is a full version comming out all 3 month. The first installation is started manually, the update is started by script and call the msi-package in quiet-mode, here the sample for the client:

msiexec /qr /i Product.msi REINSTALL=UpdateClient REINSTALLMODE=vamus

How can i do this in InstallShield or is there a alternative to transfer the WixEdit-File (*.wxs) to InstallShield?

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(3) Replies
Level 4

No possibility?

Next question, is it posible to install some parts/components to a second directory? This is very important, because I want to install the data files not in the same directory as the program files.

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Flexera Alumni

For information about setting a destination based on a system search, please see this newsletter tip (PDF):
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Level 4

Ok, tanks!

Only one question is open:
The user can change the path by the first installation. Is it possible to write the property to the registry first and then read it to install the components to this path or can I set this property from the installation-mask when the user press the "next"-key? Or overwrite the system search this property, because by first-installation of my product this reg-value is not set.

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