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Level 8

Registry Settings are not getting Uninstalled

I have a strange situation where registry settings for a setup program are not being uninstalled. The files are being deleted during the uninstall, but the registries remain.

The registry items are under HKEY_CURRENT_USER so there shouldn't be a problem with rights.

I have the registry items defined in one component and created a setup with just that component and can reproduce the problem without any files at all. I'm wondering if I have a wrong setting somewhere.

It's driving me crazy. Any suggestions? Thanks.
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(7) Replies
Level 8

Have you set the component as Shared or set that as Permanent?
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Level 8

Shared: Yes
Permanent: No

Should Shared be set to No so that it's always deleted? Never looked at these settings before.
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Level 8

Try setting that to NO. It may be a factor.

After install look into: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs
You might see an entry there. Look at the count against the entry.

If yes, uninstall and see again. Look at the count against the entry.
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Level 8

I set it to NO and it doesn't seem to make a difference. I've simplified this so that the component is just the registry entry with no actual files being installed, so the SharedDLLs aren't even part of it.

I'm at a loss.
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Level 8

Make the registry key value the key path if you are avoiding any files in the component.

Try going through the Uninstall log.Find what is happening to the component.

Also, Process Monitor with PROCESS NAME "msiexec.exe" as FILTER can reveal a lot of things.
It will provide enough data to understand if the key is being queried for uninstall or not AND what is preventing it form being uninstalled.
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Level 8


Thanks for your response. I've been away from this project for a bit but I'm back and still having problems with having the registry get deleted during an uninstall.

I'm afraid I don't understand your suggestions:

1. How do I make the registry key value the key path?

2. Where do I find the Uninstall log?

3. What is the Process Monitor? Is that a Windows program or parto of IS?

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Level 8

I think I've figured this out but would like confirmation.

I didn't even know this existed but each Organization, Component has a Component Code GUID.

Because I copied an ISM file from one product setup to another, and edited some of the components without creating them from scratch, it kept the same GUID for the component.

After installing the two products, and uninstalling the second one, the shared Component GUIDs of the second product are not removed.

I found that if I didn't assign any GUID to the component, it caused other problems (like it wouldn't uninstall at all).

When copying an ISM file from one product to another, is there a way to make sure all the GUIDs are modified? I realize I can change the product and upgrade GUIDs. I presumed everything else would be product specific but these Component GUIDs that go across ISM files was a surprise. Are there other GUID surprises?
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