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Level 4

Question about features


I created InstallScript MSI Project and I would like to install features based on serial key, entered in Customer information dialog. I would like, that custom setup type would prompt features, which are dependent on serial key.

For example:
- Feat1
- Subfeat11
- Subfeat12
- Feat2
- Subfeat21

so if user enter serial key starting with 2111-####-####-####, then only second feature is enabled and checked in custom setup type and installed. I'm newbie, so how can I do something like that?
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(1) Reply
Flexera Alumni

With InstallScript, I'm not sure you can disable features, but you should be able to hide and deselect them using FeatureSetData.

(As an aside, it might be worth doing some validation in the application itself, to ensure just the appropriate features have been installed. There's also silent installation and the like to consider.)
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